“...the projected system of many-valuedness will form what we shall call an ontological grid which determines the relations of the various contextures to each other.” (Bd.2, 292)
“... ein System von sich unendlich erweiternden Kontexturen von best�ndig wachsendem strukturellem Reichtum.... In dem alten klassischen Weltbild, das zwar inhaltlichen Reichtum, aber totale kontexturelle Einfachheit besa�, konnte es nichts echt und wirklich Neues geben.” (Bd.3, 197)
“... each world datum in the contexturality of Being should be considered as an intersection of an unlimited number of contextures.” (Bd.2, 289)
"If we consider such a point of intersection as belonging only to one contexture, the point can only be occupied (consecutively)by two values. If we consider it as belonging to two contextures, the point will still only be able to be occupied by two values but they may now belong to two different contextures." (Bd.2, 291)