The Chinese Challenge :: 中国挑战

"The Chinese Challenge"-Teamblog is opening up a discussion about a possible new rationality hidden in the Chinese writing. The main question is: What can we learn from China that China is not teaching us? It is proposed that a study of polycontextural logic and morphogrammatics could be helpful to discover this new kind of rationality. Those topics of polycontexturality are presented at my website and at the complementary Blog Rudy's Diamond Strategies. Start with the "Pamphlet".

The Chinese Challenge :: 中国挑战-Video

PAMPHLET Chinese English

New Blog: Diamond Strategies

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

CCTV-Cogito, ergo sum

The CCTV SSS Cogito Formula

Cogito, ergo sum. (Descartes)

Being watched, ergo sum?

Being watched, ergo registered.

Being registered, ergo killed.

Being killed, ergo watched!

Underground poster referring to CCTV cameras. Photograph: Tony Kyriacou/Rex features

Statutes of liberty
From the Magna Carta to CCTV, a new exhibition at the British Library tells the definitive story of the nation's fight for liberty.

Self-surveillance System (SSS)
CCTV cameras behind the Tron Theater Glasgow watching each other from eye to eye.

Don't worry! Everthing is working fine! Watch the entries coming :-))
Responses to my Blog entry in the time of 1/2-1 second!!!??


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Rolf, ich fliege am Sonntag für drei Wochen nach Shanghai und nach Peking und hätte Dich dazu gerne noch konsultiert, kann Dich aber anscheinend weder telefonisch noch per Email erreichen. David

Thursday, May 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Rolf, ich fliege am Sonntag für drei Wochen nach Shanghai und nach Peking und hätte Dich dazu gerne noch konsultiert, kann Dich aber anscheinend weder telefonisch noch per Email erreichen. David

Thursday, May 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you Help me, please :)


Monday, January 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're creating problems yourself by trying to solve this issue instead of looking at why their is a problem in the first place.


Sunday, January 24, 2010  

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