The Chinese Challenge :: 中国挑战

"The Chinese Challenge"-Teamblog is opening up a discussion about a possible new rationality hidden in the Chinese writing. The main question is: What can we learn from China that China is not teaching us? It is proposed that a study of polycontextural logic and morphogrammatics could be helpful to discover this new kind of rationality. Those topics of polycontexturality are presented at my website and at the complementary Blog Rudy's Diamond Strategies. Start with the "Pamphlet".

The Chinese Challenge :: 中国挑战-Video

PAMPHLET Chinese English

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Monday, February 12, 2007

SLOGANS for the Chinese Challenge-Video

Since my last entry I learned that this Blog is best understood by the new generation of Chinese people for which the big economic, political and military "re-awakening" of China has become already normality.

They are the children of this enormous effort. They are traveling and studying all over the world – and experiencing the differences and foreignness even to their own people abroad.

They love their country, are proud of it and don't want that its specific Chinese culture get lost.

While adapting to the Western culture, they didn't had a chance to be specially educated into the specific characteristics of Chinese culture.
Neither into the Ancient nor into Mao's Cultural Revolution.

To be more comprehensible to this new generation I will start to publish a series of Video Clips to the topics of this Blog.

With the help of this Video Clips it will be easier to understand the more elaborated texts of this Blog and my Website.


The Chinese Challenge:: 中国挑战

Hallucinations for Other Futures

What can we learn from China that China is not teaching us?

Where are we now?

Europe is lost in its search of the dying and buried roots in Greek heritage.

The success of America is based on the rejection of European roots.
Today, the US-American dream is exhausted and has come to a closure.
The decline of America is rooted in its lack of own roots.

China has found its roots again to build a future.

What makes the difference?

Main cultures are always depending on their way people are writing.

Writing in general is the most abstract mechanism and technology of cultural live.
Western culture depends on alphabetic writing.
Its calculation and computing is based on the Indian concept of Zero.

The thinker Leibniz had a first European hallucination about Chinese writing.
He conceived in his hallucination the idea of a General Language (Lingua Universalis) as a base for negotiable and calculable communication between peoples and nations.

This kind of alphabetic and numeric writing is exhausted and has become a source of destruction and self-destruction of the world and human beings.
Western way of writing is not prepared to encounter the challenges of the future of the world.

China, for the next epoch of humanity, has an advantage to the West: it has its scriptural resources not yet exploited.

The Chinese way of writing is tabular, multi-dimensional, embodied, open, complex and based on the experiences of the oldest cultural tradition of humanity.

The Chinese Challenge today is not its new re-awakening economic, political and military power as the West is fearing and economically exploiting,

The Chinese Challenge is the re-discovery of the rationality of her writing system to come as the roots and resources of a revolutionary new technology for the future.

The Chinese Challenge to China is to preserve its own culture in the process of the transition to a new epoch of humanity.

New Hallucinations?
What we need today is a notational system which would bring together the old wisdom of Chinese writing culture and the success of modern Western technology. How could it be designed?
How could it be hallucinated?

The Chinese Challenge :: 中国挑战-Video

PDFs: The Chinese Challenge-2006

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